Superspine Physiotherapy continues to provide exercise options during COVID19 times
Physio-led exercise sessions – individualized recovery strategies
Each person is different with unique combinations of movement deficits, goals for recovery and preferences as to how they want to exercise. A ‘one-size-fits-all’ exercise approach is likely to be less effective than an individualized program. But the one thing that is generally true for most of us, regardless of our shape, weight, age or previous experience, is that exercise is needed for good recovery.
We offer supervised ‘one on one’ exercise sessions.
Typically, you may need to do a single normal Physiotherapy or Exercise Physiology session before you start supervised exercise sessions, so that your clinician can navigate through what works best for your injury recovery. Each person is provided with an individualized exercise strategy that matches their particular injury.
Unsupervised sessions are also available.
Frequently asked questions
How long does a session go?
The supervised component goes for 60 minutes
How many people are in a session?
Superspine has three separate exercise areas so we have a maximum of 5-6 people per class
Can I claim on my health insurance?
Yes you can but only for supervised sessions.