Shoulder pain
What is the diagnosis?
The first step is to understand what’s causing the pain. Superspine clinicians are trained to establish the likely cause of your pain. There are a range of commonly seen shoulder injuries (rotator cuff tendinopathies and tears, sub-acromial bursitis, adhesive capsulitis, acromio-clavicular injuries etc) as well as more complex injuries that involve neck, nerve and interactions of muscle imbalances.
The second step is understand why the injury is occurring. Injuries that arise from trauma (a fall etc) are easy to understand. But a large number of shoulder pain conditions arise as a result of overuse, poor biomechanics and/or strength. A diagnosis that understands the ‘why’ factor has a better chance of recovery when treatments are matched to the problem.
Strength assessment is important. By assessing strength of muscle groups and the balance of strength between cooperating muscle groups, we can determine where best to target strength training. To do this we use a system from JTech called an Isotrak Pro. This system produces reports that can help to identify problems and monitor progress.
Individualized Exercise strategies
Superpine uses a targeted exercise program to optimize function and prevent recurrence. However this is not a “one size fits all” concept. There are many different types of movement related issues that require different types of exercise. At Superspine we have a number of exercise strategies that include:
- Specific exercise targeting mobility and/or strategic muscle groups
- Hydrotherapy and swim programs
- Gym based resistance equipment
- DAVID strength assessment and training system (see more….)
- Pilates (reformer, trapeze and mat work)
- Cardio exercise