Dr Robert Laird


Robert Laird is a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist, qualifying as a Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapy in 2008. He has post graduate clinical qualifications in musculoskeletal (1986) and sports physiotherapy (1997) and completed a PhD in 2019.  Rob specializes in the clinical management of spinal pain.  He currently works in both private and public sectors: as a director and clinician at SuperSpine Physiotherapy Clinic, as a regular lecturer and presenter for several institutions and Universities, and as a consultant for the Victorian Government on the WorkSafe Clinical Panel. His experience in managing spine pain arises from advance practice roles in Neurosurgery at the Austin Hospital, Melbourne, and the Rheumatology-led clinic at The Royal Melbourne Hospital.

His PhD at Monash University, used motion sensor technology to measure, monitor and modify movement patterns in people with back pain. Rob is the lead author on five published journal articles (see below) and co-author on two other published trials. He has regular teaching roles at Royal Melbourne Hospital (SpineCare training program), La Trobe University (Master’s program), University of Melbourne (Clinical Doctorate program), and previously on Australian Physiotherapy Association graduate courses.

In non-work mode, Rob spends time playing with grandchildren, technology, sailing and watersports. From racing small sailing dinghies, to crossing Bass Strait on a jet ski, or attempting fishing, (mostly unsuccessful), Rob still enjoys being on the water.